Cov lus piav qhia luv luv:

Non-metal laser cutting machine generally relies on laser power to drive the laser tube to emit light, through the refraction of several reflectors, so that the light is transmitted to the laser head, and then the focusing mirror installed on the laser head will converge the light into a point, and this point can reach a very high temperature. Yog li lub hom phiaj ntawm kev txiav tiav.

Feem ntau, lub tshuab txiav laser siv cov roj laser uas tau ntim nrog CO2 yog li cas cov roj laser yog hu ua co2 laser tej tshuab.


Khoom Qhia Qhia

Khoom Ntawv


Tshuab Nta

1. Txiav cov siab precision, kev ua tau zoo nyob rau tib lub sijhawm nrog ob lub laser hau rau kev ua thiab nce ntxiv.

2. Nruab nrog cov lens tau, lub lens yog lub zog me me, muaj kev cuam tshuam loj, mob siab, yooj yim, yooj yim rau kev tawg.

3. Cov qauv suab qauv txawv teb chaws los ntawm kev qhia tawm Lawm

4. Txiav ib qho me me nrog nrawm, siab precision.

5. Nias cov xim cim cov xim tsis tuaj yeem tsim kom muaj ntau yam xim sib cais txiav.

✧ Daim Ntawv Thov Qhov Zoo

Koj tuaj yeem txiav cov ntoo zoo, acrylic, pp, iav thiab lwm cov ntaub ntawv tsis yog xim hlau. Hauv cov khoom ris tsho hnav ris tsho, cov khoom tawv tawv, khoom siv hluav taws xob, kev tshaj tawm kev tshaj tawm, ntim thiab luam ntawv tau siv dav.


Investion interface

Lub software ntawm JoyLarer Marking tshuab xav tau siv rau hauv kev sib txuas nrog kho vajtse ntawm Laser Marking Card.
Nws txhawb ntau yam engtrectam computer operating systems, ntau yam lus, thiab software kev loj hlob.

Nws kuj txhawb nqa cov Code Code thiab QR code, code 39, Codabar, EG, UPC, UPC, UPC, DataCatrix, QR code, thiab lwm yam.

Tseem muaj cov duab muaj zog, bitmaps, vector maps, thiab kev kos duab duab thiab kho cov haujlwm kuj tuaj yeem kos lawv cov qauv.

✧ technical parieter

Khoom Ua Qauv Khoom JZ-1680
Laser hom CO2 kaw tawm iav raj Laser
Laser wavelength 10.6UM / 10.2UM / 9.3um
LASER Fais 60W 80W 100W
Engraving ntau yam 1600mm * 800mm
Qhov siab tshaj plaws nkhaus 5000000mm / min (stepper tsav)
Txiav Ceev 4000mm / min (stepper tsav)
Qhov ntsuas siab tshaj plaws 2500dpi
Tso rau qhov tseeb I≤0.01mm
Tsev hauj lwm kub 0-45 ℃
Kev Lag Luam Hluav Taws Xob 110-220Vac± 10%50Hz

✧ Piv txwv ntawm cov khoom

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样片 7
样片 6
样片 5
样片 4
样片 3
样片 2
样片 1

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